NLP for Golfers

Hypnosis for golfers

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis are methods that can be used to change the way that people think, feel, and behave. These techniques are often used in a therapeutic setting, but they can also be used to help athletes and golfers to improve their mental performance. Here are a few examples of how NLP and hypnosis can be used in sports:

Visualization and mental imagery: Athletes and golfers can use NLP and hypnosis to enhance visualization and mental imagery, which can be beneficial for their performance. For example, a golfer may use visualization to imagine themselves making a perfect swing, or a basketball player may use mental imagery to visualize making a game-winning shot.

Overcoming mental barriers: Athletes and golfers can use NLP and hypnosis to overcome mental barriers that may be preventing them from reaching their full potential. For example, a golfer may use NLP to overcome a fear of water hazards or a basketball player may use hypnosis to overcome performance anxiety.

Building confidence: Athletes and golfers can use NLP and hypnosis to build self-confidence and overcome mental barriers that may be preventing them from reaching their full potential. For example, a golfer may use NLP to build confidence in their ability to make a putt, or a basketball player may use hypnosis to build confidence in their ability to make a free throw.

Changing limiting beliefs and negative self-talk: Athletes and golfers can use NLP and hypnosis to change limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that may be holding them back from reaching their full potential. For example, a golfer may use NLP to change a limiting belief that they are not good enough to play in a tournament, or a basketball player may use hypnosis to change negative self-talk that they are not a good enough shooter.

Join yOur fellow travellers on their GOLF inner journey Today!

to get acquainted with the inner skills techniques for "GOLF SATISFACTION", it needs a bit of adventurous spirit and determination for more in Golf & Life


what’s  included?

Save yourself a minimum of 2 H  course time per week via ZOOM and if possible daily 90 minutes meditation time for either online-life ( or recorded) sessions during the full period of  the Zen Golf course and maintain the  aware spirit of being a watcher in all aspects throughout your life….

7 weeks of meditation intensive and various mindfulness techniques 
1 hour extra learning & sharing per week course (dealing with different reoccurring themes concerning the game of Golf & life)
daily 1 h meditation with 30 minutes sharing and learning afterwards 


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